Friday, January 31, 2014
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The Unseen
These two were taken at a distance. The resulted editing adds almost a floating effect in the first. The second was edited to accentuate the blues and blurr the surrounding background.
V V V Leave it below V V V
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Headless Portrait
An attempt at a headless portrait. It didn't go too well. My first thought was pull up a beach scene and attempt a shot of my feet at the beach... Fail. My next attemp was having fallen asleep while reading the paper.
Monday, 1/27/2014
What you see here is the BRCA-1 protein. It's a protein used in the repair of DNA and suppression of tumor growth primarily in breast and ovarian cancers. I created the structure you see using a program called PyMol, a program designed for the display of proteins and other complexes.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Thursday, 1/22/2014
Today, we have another celebrity appearance! Chris Hodes, AC in CV, my former boss and a self professed comedian!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Wednesday, 1/22/2014
Today, I took my photo a bit earlier than usual. We have special guests! Alicia Tomkowich (check out her blog!! and Bess Tracey (who to my knowledge doesn't have a blog). I used the Panorama feature of my iPhone 5S again, which I think is one of the best features! and thought this came out pretty good. The photo seems a bit compressed but I don't think it takes away from the fun the photo conveys.
My Interests
This post is my first assignment! It's what interests me. These are all things I've taken over the lifetime of my iPhone and get to share them now with you all!! Hope you enjoy:
I woke up at around 6:30am to take this while on vacation over the summer. We were at West Palm Beach with family and I though our view was beautiful. Nature images are very inspirational and some of my favorite!
I took these in October of last semester when my family was in town. We toured the monuments because the weather was fantastic. I found this quote rather moving and inspirational. I love great quotes and have number of them on my Facebook Page. I also enjoy the monuments a ton! They're beautiful and very photogenic.
I took these photos on two separate occasions. The left, my brother Conor, was taken over the long weekend and was for him to use on an upcoming project. The filter is a simple one I found that my iPhone 5S has preinstalled. I think it captures a progression of light to dark from left to right nicely, and he looks great!
On the right, my youngest brother Kevin, is pulling up for a jumper warming up for his game. I took this over the Thanksgiving holiday last year and was excited to try out the new camera features the phone had to offer. I thought this came out really well. While nothing special with editing and coloring, I thought my simple cell phone was able to capture a fast motion shot with great clarity and focus. I love sports and I love to help him play, get better, and watch him succeed on the court. His form also looks pretty great too!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Monday, 1/20/2014
Sitting at my desk, getting work done today! This is my cork/white board where I keep any important notes/dates and memories!
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Saturday, 1/18/2014
Today I continue writing my thesis. Starbucks is a necessity and the vignetting is symbolic of how tired I feel as I type away. Hopefully, I'll be done soon!
Friday, January 17, 2014
Friday, 1/17/2014
A common theme of my day involves stopping in the Opus RHO. Picking up fliers, chatting with the office assistants and saying hi to my supervisor are all part of my daily routine. The RHO is available to students daily and is a place where I tend to hangout with other RAs.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Thursday, 1/16/2014
Today, when it was time to take my picture, I was working on my senior thesis. Clearly, I have way too many documents open but it's what is necessary to succeed! My thesis is about Targeted and Personalized Cancer Therapris focusing on Breast Cancer. I have extensive research and am working hard on the paper. I hope I pass!
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Why I'm taking Cell Phone Photography
When I tell people that I'm taking Cell Phone Photography many of them laugh and can't believe this is actually a class. Little do they know, I LOVE to take photos with my phone as much as I can. I haven't ever invested in a real camera and I own a small digital camera that pales in comparison to the photos my phone can take. I find the fast growing and ever expanding technological age vastly interesting. I follow tech blogs and websites daily and am constantly trying to update myself on the latest and greatest tech. This class takes technology that is literally at our fingertips every day and explores the deeper possibilities and versatility a cell phone has. I am excited to learn about photo editing software, beyond the powers of Instagram, and look forward to the knowledge I'll gain through them. I have never claimed to be creative, but I hope I can take and create some cool photos using something as small and capable as my iPhone. I sometimes scroll through my photos and see that the memories I've captured are always with me, this class will help me continue to create memories, and maximize how great I can make them in ways I may not have ever thought of. So go ahead and laugh, I am VERY excited to learn more about the possibilities cell phone photography has to offer and the semester ahead!
What Inspires Me
This background was the first one I selected for myself when I first created a user account on the computer at home. I find it incredibly inspirational and an interesting image to look at. I chose it for my background because I found that I'd just stare at it for awhile and get lost in its awe. The chaos around the edges and the receding shore are powerful but in the middle of the image, the sky pats and a light shines on the raging see below. It has elements of a calm and strength I find very interesting
I chose these two because they are both my favorite football and baseball teams. I have very fond memories of games with family and friends from when I first went to a playoff game with my friend Nicky for his birthday when I was a kid to the Super Bowl wins of the Giants with my family.
This is one of my favorite pictures. I took this "selfie" of my brothers and I on a Sunday right before Church. I sent this as a Snapchat to my friends and thought before I sent it that this would be one I want to save, and I'm so glad I did. This is actually my cell phone background. I love my brothers. Conor (right) is 19 going on 20 and him and I have become incredibly close over the last few years we've had together in college. Kevin (center) is 10 and is growing faster than I can believe. He's bigger every time I see him and his smarts and athletic skills amaze me every time I visit home.
This apparatus may look complicated and confusing with all of the knobs, tubes and wires coming from it. It's a vacuum tube system that I used during one of my experiments in my Physical Chemistry class my Senior year at CUA. I remember taking this because I was in such awe of how intricate the setup was as well as how everything functioned. The sense of wonder and awe I felt is what motivates me and drives me in my studies of the sciences.
All of these beautiful people are a part of the Residence Life Staff I am apart of. This was taken after an event we held about the CUA Community Pledge. We signed the Pledge and held a Mass in Opus Lobby. These people are AMAZING and I love them all. The only one missing here is Kevin who unfortunately couldn't make it. Residence Life has given me lessons and memories I will always cherish and never forget.
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